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Top Reasons why Backlinking is important for your Website!

Are you new to the word ‘backlink’ and wondering what it has to do with SEO? And should you backlink your website in that case? In this blog, you’ll get all your answers. If simply put, backlink connects the user from some website to another website. Let’s take a deeper dive into this.


It is an inbound link that links from one website to another. One thing to note here is when one website links to another, it means that the other website’s content is significant. Backlinking is a Off-page SEO technique. It increases the website’s ranking in search results. 

Let’s take an example-

 Suppose you write a blog about Top trends in digital marketing. you provide references of the site ‘AI world’ and also mention their Site URL in your blog. This backlink to this site will benefit AI world in two ways, One,  that some traffic that visits your site will also land on their site. Second, google algorithm considers sites with quality backlinks are authentic and genuine.

Backlinking is a broad term and if you’re learning SEO basics, these backlinking terminologies may come handy!

  • Link Juice
    – Here juice stands for traffic. When Google increases page’s ranking, its bots pass traffic from one website to another this is known as the passing of link juice though it can only be passed if the other source allows it.
  • No follow Tags:
     These tags are used to stop the flow of juice from one website to another. Google advises having 10-15% of your backlinks as no follow not 100% so that website looks more natural. By using no a follow tag, the search engine ignores the link hence there is no boost in SEO ranking
  • Do-Follow Tags:

    As the name suggests, it passes the juice to the other website. There isn’t a term like ‘do follow tags’ it’s just a default setting and the links clicked is considered to pass the traffic. It boosts SEO. It is not advisable to have 100% of your backlinks as do follow because it makes search engine suspicious and would result in de-indexing your site.

  • High-Quality Links:
    Your website is said to be a high-quality link if it follows ethical guidelines stated by Google. There’s nothing to worry about when there’s an easy flow of juice.
  • Low-Quality Links:
    if your website doesn’t stay under the guidelines stated by Google. It can lower your ranking or your website might get de-indexed. If you don’t follow then your site is one of the harvesting websites that contains spam.
  • Internal link –
    a link from one page of your website to another page of your website
  • Inbound link –
    a link from another website to a page on your website.
  • Referral link –
    a link to a mail, excel, word doc.
  • External link –
    a link to a page on a different website from your website
  • Anchor link –
    it’s just a fancy word for the hyperlink. a link on one page that will make you jump to a different section of that page of the same site.

Is there any need for backlinks in today’s world?

Every website wants to rank higher on google SERPs and to achieve that it is necessary to build good-quality backlinks.

Benefits of Backlinks-

  • It Boost SEO ranking
  • It Increases ease and speed of indexing
  • Increased traffic from connected websites

So, If you want to survive  this fierce competition on the web, get your Off Page SEO done.

We can sense a budding question. We know what’s that question about!

How to get high-quality backlinks other than relying on Social Media?

a)Quality Content: To ensure that the traffic’s interest is maintained, you should have good content on their website. Companies use AI and other tools to stay updated about the trends and deliver the content accordingly.

b) Keeping an eye on Competitors: Keeping an eye on your competitor’s keywords and backlinks are good for a healthy competition. It will help to strategize accordingly. Tools like AHREFS enters the domains of competitors, they generate the files and thus makes it easy for you to analyse these links.

c)Commenting on high-quality blogs: It may seem somewhat less important but what’s the harm in grabbing the opportunity of posting your comments and reviews? By commenting, chances quite rise of getting link juice from such blogs. So, it is better to take the opportunity!

d)Web directories: A proper market search must be made before posting anything on web directories. The marketer should have detailed knowledge of web directories because these days there are a lot of spam web directories and if you are part of them, anything you post would be considered as spam.

e)Local business directories: Location plays a vital role in websites’ ranking. But here’s a catch by targeting such directories, the website can get a better location-based ranking but these directories aren’t reliable and trustworthy. One has to be very careful before choosing it.

As of January 2020, there were over 1.74 billion websites on the Internet as it is easy to build up alink, write a couple of articles and blogs and submit to an article submission site and there you have many backlinks. Now, make a quick choice between 100 links from unknown blogs or just 1 link from a popular source like, The Forbes? It’s no brainer right! Anyone would go for choice 2. This example clears the idea of ‘Quantity over Quality’. We can’t ignore the fact that quantity doesn’t matter but quality matters much more than quantity.

Your work doesn’t end here! You’ve to constantly monitor your website/blog backlinks to maintain and improve the ranking of the site.

How Can I Check My Backlinks?

To monitor your website/blog backlinks, luckily there are tools like SEMrush, Google Search Console that can help you. It may happen that your websites’ ranking may fall down and google may penalize you because you haven’t told toxic website owners to eliminate hyperlinks out of your site under the webmaster guideline. Thus, it is important to monitor your websites’ backlinks well.

What are your plans for backlinking your website? Need help, contact us today. We’re always there to help you grow online!


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